Every student, every day.



New Division Vehicles Save Money

Posted on September 16 2020

Beyond 2020-2021 Livingstone Range School Division will be faced with significant reductions in provincial revenue for the following two years. With funding reductions and our core value of innovation…

Trustees Advocate for 'Hold Harmless' Year

Posted on September 15 2020

The Livingstone Range School Division Board of Trustees is requesting that Education Minister Adriana LaGrange consider the 2020-21 school year a ‘hold harmless’  year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. …

Happy Retirement to Bus Driver Keith Trowbridge

Posted on September 14 2020

Can you imagine a Grade 11 student driving your child's school bus? That's just what happened when a young Keith Trowbridge got his A+ license and started driving spare bus routes in his Grade 11 year.…

Updated Re-Entry Plan

Posted on August 25 2020

Livingstone Range School Division's Re-Entry Plan has been updated as of August 25, 2020. Click here for the Livingstone Range School Division School Re-Entry Plan 2020-2021 and find other resources…

First Day of School: September 1

Posted on August 10 2020

We look forward to welcoming students back to school for the 2020-2021 school year. The first day of classes is Tuesday, September 1. Check your local school's website for bell times and additional information.…

Kathy Charchun Retiring from LRSD Division Office

Posted on June 15 2020

After a rewarding three-decade career as an educator, Livingstone Range School Division Numeracy Lead Kathy Charchun will retire at the end of June.   Superintendent Darryl Seguin commends Kathy’s…