Every student, every day.



Bullying Awareness Week

Posted on November 16 2020

Bullying Awareness Week (November 16-20) promotes awareness and understanding of bullying and its effects. This year's theme - #WhereToTurn -  encourages everyone to learn where to turn when dealing…

Remembrance Day

Posted on November 9 2020

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. At a time when we are waging a global battle with an unseen virus, our thoughts turn to those who have fought in wars and conflicts across…

No Classes November 11-13

Posted on November 9 2020

There are no classes November 11-13, 2020. Wednesday, November 11 we will observe Remembrance Day, and Thursday, November 12 and Friday, November 13 are Staff Wellness days. The Division Office will be…

School Closure in Some Communities

Posted on November 8 2020

Schools in LUNDBRECK, PINCHER CREEK, FORT MACLEOD, & GRANUM will be closed Monday, November 9 due to extreme winter weather & road conditions. All other Livingstone Range School Division schools remain…

Play is Important for Young Students

Posted on November 6 2020

Young students flourish when they have opportunities to play, learn, and develop relationships. Following Alberta Health and Alberta Education COVID-19 guidelines, play-based curriculum continues to be…

AHS Student Social Gatherings Advisory

Posted on November 3 2020

Two Medical Officers of Health from the AHS South Zone have issued an advisory regarding student social gatherings and the potential for COVID-19 transmission from social gatherings.  AHS asks that public…

Wellness Break for Our Hard-Working Staff

Posted on November 3 2020

All staff in Livingstone Range School Division will get a five-day wellness break next week, as acknowledgment of and appreciation for the extra work and changes required during the first months of school…

Eye on Education: Hold Harmless Funding

Posted on October 29 2020

Written by Superintendent Darryl SeguinReprinted with permission of The Lethbridge Herald From tiny one-room schoolhouses where slate boards and pencils were the tools for learning, to schools with hundreds,…

Confirmed Case of COVID-19

Posted on October 27 2020

A case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in an individual at Willow Creek Composite High School. Livingstone Range School Division was notified by Alberta Health Services late yesterday and the school is…

A Community Working Together

Posted on October 22 2020

The Crowsnest Pass has some of the most rugged beauty and friendliest folks in all of Alberta. But it's also a place that faces economic, employment, and social challenges.  The three Livingstone Range…

Athletics Update & Extracurricular Activities Guide…

Posted on October 19 2020

From Superintendent Darryl Seguin: On September 30, Livingstone Range School Division announced that athletics and extracurricular activities could resume on October 19. We are happy to share more details…

Nick Housenga Serves on Minister's Youth Council

Posted on October 15 2020

For the second year in a row, F.P. Walshe School student Nick Housenga is helping shape the future of Education in Alberta. As a two-time member of the Minister's Youth Council, Nick joins 40 other junior…

Elder Betty Ann Little Wolf Talks about Residential…

Posted on October 8 2020

For Orange Shirt Day 2020, Piikani Elder Betty Ann Little Wolf shared her residential school experiences. Staff from F.P. Walshe school recorded the conversation for this video.

No Classes October 9-12

Posted on October 8 2020

A four-day weekend is something to be thankful about! There are no classes for students Friday, October 9 (staff collaboration day) and Monday, October 12 (Thanksgiving). Enjoy the long weekend and fall…

World Teachers' Day 2020

Posted on October 5 2020

Happy World Teachers' Day! Since 1994, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) has honored teachers worldwide on October 5. The contributions that educators make to…

School is a Great Place at A.B. Daley

Posted on October 2 2020

Even though there are a lot of things that are different about school this year, there are still so many things that are the same. At A.B. Daley Community School, staff and students continue to learn,…

Become a Classroom Supervisor

Posted on October 1 2020

At Livingstone Range School Division, we believe that all students should be learning in an environment that allows them to achieve their capabilities. We believe in a team approach to learning that creates…

Athletics & Extracurricular Activities May Resume…

Posted on September 30 2020

Livingstone Range School Division delayed the start of athletics and extracurricular activities for the 2020-2021 school year to focus on a safe and smooth school re-entry due to the COVID-19 pandemic.…

Federal COVID-19 Funds Help LRSD Schools

Posted on September 28 2020

Schools in Livingstone Range School Division are benefiting from federal funding intended to help with COVID-19-related expenses. On August 26, 2020 the federal government announced that it would provide…

Orange Shirt Day September 30

Posted on September 23 2020

On September 30, Canadians wear orange shirts in recognition of the harm the residential school system did to children's sense of self-esteem and well being, and to promote reconciliation. In 2013, Phyllis…