2022-2023 School Year Memories
Posted on June 22 2023Celebrating 'Every student, every day' and the amazing work of Livingstone Range School Division staff, students, and parents in the 2022-2023 school year!
Celebrating 'Every student, every day' and the amazing work of Livingstone Range School Division staff, students, and parents in the 2022-2023 school year!
Today, Canadians celebrate the history, culture, and contributions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people. In addition to recognizing the history, heritage, resilience, and diversity of indigenous…
This summer, Livingstone Range School Division Office at the G.R. Davis Administration Building in Fort Macleod will be observing summer hours. We can be reached at hello@lrsd.ab.ca or 403-625-3356. Summer…
We are exceptionally blessed in Livingstone Range School Division to have indigenous leaders who share their time, wisdom, skills, and care with us. As the school year draws to a close, we gratefully…
Leadership, culture, and academics are improving across Livingstone Range School Division, according to the 2023 Measurable Results Assessment (MRA). Annually, parents, students, and staff across the…
Fifty-five countries of the world were represented by sixty Grade 10 students at the second annual Model UN Project on June 13, 2023. Debating a mock resolution that developed nations contribute a percentage…
Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Susan Stacheruk has been named Acting Assistant Principal of F.P. Walshe School in Fort Macleod beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. She…
What has 198 operational days and 180 instructional days? The 2023-2024 school year calendar! See you back on the first day of classes: Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
Grade 6 students from Canyon School visited the provincial capital earlier this month and visited the Legislature. On June 1, 2023 students and teachers traveled from Pincher Creek to Edmonton and got…
Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Jillian Spencer has been named Assistant Principal of J.T. Foster High School in Nanton beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Jason MacDonald,…
For his outstanding contributions to health and/or physical education, Coady MacDonald has received the Alberta Teachers’ Association Health and Physical Education Council’s Certificate of Commendation. …
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023! Your hard work, commitment, and perseverance have brought you to this moment. We are all so proud of you! Whether your path from here is into the work…
Thank you to all of our staff, parents/guardians, and Grade 5 & 11 students who participated in our 2023 Student Success Plan Measurement Survey. From May 10 to 19, 2023, these stakeholder groups were…
Silas Mertz, a Grade 12 student at Crowsnest Consolidated High School (CCHS), has been selected to receive a $100,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship to study chemistry at the University of Calgary beginning…
Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Jason MacDonald has been named Principal of J.T. Foster High School in Nanton beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Jason holds Bachelor…
Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Bonnie Whitford has been named Assistant Principal of Matthew Halton High School in Pincher Creek beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. …
To All Parents/Guardians, Staff, and Stakeholders in the Nanton community: This week local newspapers incorrectly reported on the grade-level configurations for the Nanton Schools. Livingstone Range School…
“I said yes, and then I panicked,” says Grade 9 Science teacher Ashtyn Duncan. She’s describing being approached about including Tipi Kits into her science space curriculum. “I wondered, ‘How…
Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Corby Potyok has been appointed as Assistant Principal of LRSD Pursuits beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Corby holds Bachelor of…
Livingstone Range School Division is thrilled to announce that Alberta Education has granted collegiate school status to PEAKS Campus, for specialized programming in environmental science. The status…